Child Nutrition Services

This institution is an equal opportunity employer.
Free language assistance, auxiliary aids, and/or accommodations are available upon request.

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Meal Prices for 2024-2025

Arizona Department of Education is providing ESSER funds to subsidize the student portion of reduced-price meals for the 2024-2025 school year.

Meal Applications

Applications DO EXPIRE...

Prior applications EXPIRE Sept 12th, 2024.  

A new application MUST be filled out every year!

Paper Applications are available at school sites and the District Office.

It's more than a Meal Application!

clipart representing benefits of filling out a meal application, such as free or discounted college-admissions tests, AP exams, and college applications; scholarship opportunities; and no- and low-cost access to technology and internet plans.

We strongly encourage parents to complete the Free and Reduced-price Meal Application. Confirmed eligibility establishes a number of benefits for individual students, such as free or discounted college-admissions tests, AP exams, and college applications; scholarship opportunities; and no-cost and low-cost access to technology and internet plans.

In addition, the percentages of qualifying students at a school are used as a measure to secure additional federal funding (Title I) to support students and their education, promote family engagement, and provide additional technology and internet access. Title I funds pay for additional teachers, additional learning opportunities for students, extra resources, added technology, and more.

Free / Reduced-Price Meals




  • Food Service Staffing

  • Menu and Meal Service Questions

  • Catering

Christopher Gallaga
Food Service Director

  • Meal Eligibility

  • Free and Reduced Meal Applications

  • Program Donations

Anne Taffe
Child Nutrition Supervisor

Child Nutrition Services - Program Information